Combat Kempo JuJitsu

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Hours Open:
7:00pm - 8:30pm
7:00pm - 8:30pm
We believe in training for self defense first and foremost. We also believe that martial arts schools should serve the community by teaching their students respect of others, self control, and the value of being confident enough to put the needs of others before your own. As a self-defense school we train against real attacks, defense against weapons, and multiple attacks in the real world (i.e. no weight or age divisions or referees). We also teach awareness of local laws, conflict avoidance and resolution, and resorting to the self defense arts as a last resort.

Our Curriculum: The curriculum we teach is a compilation of numerous martial arts. Due to the blended nature of this curriculum Sensei Ring chose to call this style of self-defense “Combat Kempo Ju Jitsu”. He decided to use Kempo with an “m” rather than Kenpo in order to pay homage to the Chinese influence of Professor William Chow and Sijo Adriano Emperado. The term “Ju Jitsu” is to pay homage to the Aiki Bu Jitsu, Judo, and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu that influence the self-defense curriculum.

We also conduct free Women's Self Defense and Anti Bullying seminars several times a year. These seminars are always free of charge as this our way of giving back to the community. Both seminars feature curriculum that is specifically designed for the seminar topics. Visit our website at for the dates and times of our Women's Self Defense or Anti Bullying seminars.

Our Instructors: Combat Kempo JuJitsu of Prospect Kentucky is owned and operated by Sensei Mike Ring. Sensei Ring has over 25 years of martial arts training and teaching experience. He holds black-belts in Hawaiian Kenpo, Aiki Bu Jitsu, and Shindo Ryu Kempo. He has also done a substantial amount of cross-training in Kajukenbo, Brazilian JiuJitsu, Muay Thai, Wrestling and Judo.